Start Program at Incoming

Cryptocurrency Symbol

By registering the cryptocurrency address and program URL,
this service provides POST requests to the specified URL
At the time of incoming payments.
* You can register one address for free.

Available with cryptocurrencies Symbol

This service monitors incoming payments of cryptocurrencies (Symbol) and starts the program (script) of the specified URL when notified.
* You can register one address of Symbol(XYM) for free.
XEM/XYM⇒Send⇒Wallet⇒POST access⇒Start program

How to use this site

1.First, Membership Registration (free) is required.

2.All functions are listed on the Managing Triggers page.

If you register the cryptocurrency address and the URL of the program that starts when you receive money, it will be displayed in the list of registered addresses, and you can start/stop, update, and delete.
If there is a incoming payment in the ON (working) state, a POST request will be sent to the program at the specified URL.

3.On Trigger Log List page, you can view the log data recorded when the trigger occurred.

4.Monitoring Code page contains the transaction monitoring program code used in this service.

5.On Incoming History page, you can download the CSV file of the incoming payment history.

See FAQ for more details.
